in Bonnyville & St. Paul, Alberta

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Refresh Your Skin with Pellevé

As we age, our bodies produce less collagen. When this happens, our skin loses elasticity and develops wrinkles and fine lines, like smile lines, crow’s feet, and other unwanted creases.

Enter Pellevé, noninvasive technology that uses radio waves to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines without surgery or needles.

Traditional wrinkle treatments can be harsh on the skin and involve intimidating needles or painful surgery. Pellevé is a safe option that can effectively reinvigorate your skin and give you a fresh, youthful appearance with no downtime.

The Science Behind Pellevé

The Pellevé system encourages our bodies to naturally produce more collagen, using radio waves to gently warm the skin’s deeper layers. This heating effect, in turn, produces lasting results by stimulating the body to make its own collagen instead of relying on artificial methods of line reduction.

Rejuvenate Your Skin with Pellevé

Radiofrequency skin tightening can deliver transformative results. Even after 30, 60, or 90 days following the treatment, the benefits of Pellevé can remain evident as your body actively generates fresh collagen. For enhanced results, you may consider undergoing a series of Pellevé treatments.

Ask us about Pellevé at Lakeland Family Eyecare today.

Find Us In Bonnyville & St. Paul


Find us on the corner of Main & 52nd Street, across from Westline Autowash.

  • 5201 50 Avenue
  • Bonnyville, AB T9N 2G6

St. Paul

You can find us on 51st Avenue, next to the Fire Hall.

  • 4916 51 Avenue
  • St. Paul, AB T0A 3A0

Our Blog

How Long Does Eye Strain Last?

Digital Eye Strain, Eye Therapy

While eye strain can be frustrating, the good news is that it’s usually a temporary inconvenience. By incorporating proper screen-use habits and maintaining eye health, you can minimize its effects and avoid long-term discomfort. […]

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December 23, 2024
Lakeland Family Eyecare

Why Do My Eyes Water In Cold Weather?

Dry Eye, Eye Care

When the temperature drops, many people notice their eyes watering more than usual. You might find that your eyes become excessively moist when stepping outside on a chilly day, or even when going back indoors, where dry air from heating systems can cause irritation.  While this might seem annoying, watery eyes in cold weather are […]

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December 6, 2024
Lakeland Family Eyecare

Can You Use Expired Eye Drops?

Eye Health

Ever stumbled upon an old bottle of eye drops in your medicine cabinet and wondered if they’re still safe to use? You’re not alone. Many people find themselves questioning the safety and efficacy of expired eye drops, especially when they’re experiencing discomfort or dryness.  Expired eye drops are not a good choice due to a […]

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December 3, 2024
Lakeland Family Eyecare
A young woman removing her glasses and pinching her nose as she takes a break from her computer screen.

While eye strain can be frustrating, the good news is that it’s usually a temporary inconvenience. By incorporating proper screen-use habits and maintaining eye health, you can minimize its effects and avoid long-term discomfort. […]

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Person putting eye drops in their eye.

When the temperature drops, many people notice their eyes watering more than usual. You might find that your eyes become excessively moist when stepping outside on a chilly day, or even when going back indoors, where dry air from heating systems can cause irritation.  While this might seem annoying, watery eyes in cold weather are […]

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A young woman sitting on the couch putting in eye drops.

Ever stumbled upon an old bottle of eye drops in your medicine cabinet and wondered if they’re still safe to use? You’re not alone. Many people find themselves questioning the safety and efficacy of expired eye drops, especially when they’re experiencing discomfort or dryness.  Expired eye drops are not a good choice due to a […]

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