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Category: Eye Health

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Can You Use Expired Eye Drops?

A young woman sitting on the couch putting in eye drops.

Ever stumbled upon an old bottle of eye drops in your medicine cabinet and wondered if they’re still safe to use? You’re not alone. Many people find themselves questioning the safety and efficacy of expired eye drops, especially when they’re experiencing discomfort or dryness.  Expired eye drops are not a good choice due to a […]

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Find us on the corner of Main & 52nd Street, across from Westline Autowash.

  • 5201 50 Avenue
  • Bonnyville, AB T9N 2G6

St. Paul

You can find us on 51st Avenue, next to the Fire Hall.

  • 4916 51 Avenue
  • St. Paul, AB T0A 3A0

Our Blog

Can You Use Expired Eye Drops?

Eye Health

Ever stumbled upon an old bottle of eye drops in your medicine cabinet and wondered if they’re still safe to use? You’re not alone. Many people find themselves questioning the safety and efficacy of expired eye drops, especially when they’re experiencing discomfort or dryness.  Expired eye drops are not a good choice due to a […]

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December 3, 2024
Lakeland Family Eyecare

How Do Contact Lenses Work?

Contact Lenses

Whether you’re a long-time contact lens wearer or considering a switch from glasses, understanding how these tiny discs work can help you make informed decisions about your vision care needs. Contact lenses sit directly on the eye’s surface and compensate for any errors by helping light refract correctly on the retina (the light-sensitive tissue at […]

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October 17, 2024
Lakeland Family Eyecare

How Long Does an Eye Exam Take?

Eye Exams

Booking an eye exam might seem like a hassle, but it’s an important step in maintaining your vision. It doesn’t take as long as you might think, and the benefits outweigh the minor inconvenience. A regular eye exam can help detect and address potential eye problems early, preventing more serious issues down the line. If […]

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September 16, 2024
Lakeland Family Eyecare
A young woman sitting on the couch putting in eye drops.

Ever stumbled upon an old bottle of eye drops in your medicine cabinet and wondered if they’re still safe to use? You’re not alone. Many people find themselves questioning the safety and efficacy of expired eye drops, especially when they’re experiencing discomfort or dryness.  Expired eye drops are not a good choice due to a […]

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A close-up of a person putting a contact lens in their eye with their right middle finger.

Whether you’re a long-time contact lens wearer or considering a switch from glasses, understanding how these tiny discs work can help you make informed decisions about your vision care needs. Contact lenses sit directly on the eye’s surface and compensate for any errors by helping light refract correctly on the retina (the light-sensitive tissue at […]

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A smiling patient sits in an exam chair facing their optometrist, who is asking questions as part of an eye exam.

Booking an eye exam might seem like a hassle, but it’s an important step in maintaining your vision. It doesn’t take as long as you might think, and the benefits outweigh the minor inconvenience. A regular eye exam can help detect and address potential eye problems early, preventing more serious issues down the line. If […]

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