Dr. Alanna Wilson in City, State

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Dr. Wilson was born and raised in Swift Current, SK. She attended the University of Saskatchewan, where she obtained her Bachelor of Science Honors degree in Anatomy and Cell Biology. In May 2015, Alanna graduated from Indiana University School of Optometry with high honours. She has experience with family eye care and ocular disease from her externships at the VA hospital and a LASIK/cataract surgery centre in Florida.

In her spare time, Alanna enjoys spending her free time with her family, shopping, and travelling.

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Find us on the corner of Main & 52nd Street, across from Westline Autowash.

  • 5201 50 Avenue
  • Bonnyville, AB T9N 2G6

St. Paul

You can find us on 51st Avenue, next to the Fire Hall.

  • 4916 51 Avenue
  • St. Paul, AB T0A 3A0

Our Blog

Why Are My Eyes So Dry When I Wake Up?

Contact Lenses, Dry Eye, Eye Exams

Dry eyes are one of the most common eye disorders. Millions of people experience dry eye at some point in their lives, especially as they get older. Many people’s eyes dry out overnight, leading to that itchy, sandpapery feeling when they wake up in the morning.  The most common reasons for waking up with dry […]

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July 30, 2024
Lakeland Family Eyecare

How Often Should My Child Have an Eye Exam?

Children’s Eye Care, Eye Exams

Eye exams are an important part of maintaining good eye health, and this is especially true for children. As they grow and develop, their vision can change rapidly, making regular eye exams essential. However, several factors can influence how often your child should have an eye exam. These include their age, family history of eye […]

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June 17, 2024
Lakeland Family Eyecare

When Should My Child Have Their First Eye Exam?

Children’s Eye Care, Eye Exams

The Alberta Optometric Association recommends that children have their first comprehensive eye exam between 6 and 9 months of age, the second between 2 and 5 years old, and then every year after that. However, if your child is exhibiting any symptoms of vision problems or has a family history of certain eye conditions, they may need to have their first eye exam earlier. […]

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June 3, 2024
Lakeland Family Eyecare
A person sits on the edge of his bed, just having woken up. He's resting his head on his hands and rubbing his eyes.

Dry eyes are one of the most common eye disorders. Millions of people experience dry eye at some point in their lives, especially as they get older. Many people’s eyes dry out overnight, leading to that itchy, sandpapery feeling when they wake up in the morning.  The most common reasons for waking up with dry […]

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A boy undergoes a slit lamp exam during an eye exam.

Eye exams are an important part of maintaining good eye health, and this is especially true for children. As they grow and develop, their vision can change rapidly, making regular eye exams essential. However, several factors can influence how often your child should have an eye exam. These include their age, family history of eye […]

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A female optometrist uses a slit lamp to examine a young boy's eyes

The Alberta Optometric Association recommends that children have their first comprehensive eye exam between 6 and 9 months of age, the second between 2 and 5 years old, and then every year after that. However, if your child is exhibiting any symptoms of vision problems or has a family history of certain eye conditions, they may need to have their first eye exam earlier. […]

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